The top 2 life saving things that you must do when selling final expense insurance and when you are surrounded by Tornados everywhere.
50% of final expense agents die in a natural disaster everyday! Everyday! Earthquakes, Tornados, Tsunamis, it doesn’t matter what it is…they just seem to be attracted to natural disasters! They are flying, floating, or, falling everywhere. It is a disaster, oh the humanity!!!!
Okay, so that isn’t a real stat, but let me ask you a question. If that were a real stat would you still do it? I mean if there was a 50% chance that you would die in a tornado would you still get in your car and drive towards it? I’m guessing that you wouldn’t because you are a whole lot smarter than that, unless you are one of those weird storm chasers like in that really bad Bill Paxton movie. Or maybe it was Bill Pullman. Which Bill was it? I get those two mixed up all the time. Anyway you get the point. You probably wouldn’t go driving into a tornado. Well, I’ve got news for you. You ARE driving towards a TORNADO! Well, not a real tornado, more like a metaphorical tornado. Over 50% of agents do not make it in the Final Expense business. Some leave because of their expectations were too high. Some leave because they cannot sell. Some leave because of chargebacks. Most leave because they were not prepared to go to work everyday. So I am going to do you a solid. If you are going to make it in this business, then you are going to have to do these two swaggy things everyday to be successful.
1. Knock on a door
You have circled the house three times. The people who sent in the card are in the house. You know this because you can see them watching Maury on their big screen tv through the curtains of their trailer. You’ve circled three times because you’ve got this knot in your stomach and it feels just like when you were a kid circling around the block of the girl that you liked. Did you go knock on her door? Probably not, but good for you if you did. This time you are going to knock on that door. This is the number one key to success- get in the door. A lot of agents get “the feels” before they knock on the door so they spend a lot of time preparing themselves mentally before they actually go and do it. The difference between the people who succeed and the people who fail is action. The people who succeed actually get out of their cars and walk up to the door waving and smiling and knock on the door. They knock with the mentality that they will make more money with every door that they knock on. So save the feels
for your lifetime movie night with your spouse and get out of your car. Oh, and don’t call to set appointments ( unless you are a phone ninja – that’s another topic). That is a mistake. They will say no, and then you will look at that lead differently and you will NEVER knock on that door. Trust me, go knock, be friendly and people will like you.
2. Smile
Do you suffer from RJF? It is a condition that effects millions of Americans. It usually occurs the day after the persons favorite team lost whatever important game they were playing. What is RJF? Resting Jerk Face. It is when you are not smiling and your resting face makes you look angry. I suffer from RJF. The problem with RJF is that it is hiding your greatest asset. Your smile. Your smile is the number one attractor of people. It also lifts your spirits. It is impossible to smile and to stay miserable at the same time. Your brain has to make a choice to stay smiling or to stay miserable. Your smile is your most important tool, so use it when knocking on a door. Use it when you walk up to the door. Use it when you do a presentation. Use it when you fill out an application. Use it when you watch a Bill Paxton movie, or a Bill Pullman movie. Your smile is your number one tool!
I originally titled this article “3 swaggy things blah blah blah”, but all the internet people told me that
if my articles are too long that people like you will lose interest. So, I’m going to do you another solid. I am going to wrap up for now BUT I will come back with some more swaggy stuff that you can use to be the very best final expense agent. Because I cannot stand by and watch another final expense agent get swept up in rare Tsunami in Ohio.